Friday, April 29, 2005

Can I hang with Harold? Please?

American Idol finalist Bo Bice (whose real name is Harold) was arrested in 2001 on a felony cocaine possession charge. In July 2003, near Birmingham, Harold was charged with marijuana possession, public intoxication, and possession of drug paraphernalia. Now for most people, this would be looked as a negative, but here on TrashyPantz, it's considered a postive. He likes good music, can party, and obviously has the right connections. Can I get a backstage pass when he goes on tour?

Do YOU have my sunglasses and visine?

  • Click here to see Harold Bice's arrest paperwork on The Smoking Gun
  • Tuesday, April 26, 2005

    This guy? Are you sure?

    This guy? Are you sure?? But he looks so NORMAL!

    Man tells police dead mother kept in freezer for years
    Tuesday, April 26, 2005 Posted: 11:22 AM EDT (1522 GMT)

    LA CROSSE, Wisconsin (AP) -- A man told police he kept his mother's corpse in a basement freezer for more than four years while he collected her Social Security checks, authorities said Monday. A body was found encased in ice, in a sitting position.

    Monday, April 25, 2005

    These pretzels thirsty.

    These pretzels...are thirsty.
    These pretzels are...makinge me...thirsty?

    What do you do if you have you happen to have a non twist off beer in your hand and are without a bottle opener after having some pretzels on a hot summer day?
    Well hopefully you have your Reef flip flops on!

    Reef has truely released the ultimate summer beach-bum sandal. This is Australian surfer Mick Fanning’s signiture model, super comfy as all Reef sandals are. What makes it special is the built-in bottle opener in the bottom of the sandal. Now, some people might have mixed feelings about you opening a round of beer using the sole of your sandal, but it’ll get the job done, so it’s all good . The sandals come in three different colors, and retail for approximatley $40.00
    For more info check out the Reef website , just look for “The Fanning”.

    Friday, April 22, 2005

    Matzah Rhymes

    Seeing that the countdown to Passover is coming to an end (tomorrow at sundown to be exact), I thought that in honor of the Dubb and I having to go to family dinners this weekend and having to change our eating habits for the next week, we would funk it up with this little clip for all the non jews out there who might need some insigiht into our little holiday- hip hop style of course.

  • Matzah! Hip Hop 4 Hebrews! <--Click here
  • Thursday, April 21, 2005

    Hometown Hottie?? you decide!

    This webpage was sent to me in such a weird chain. It is believed to have originally been found online by someone in Florida, who works with P. Gunn, who then sent it to Silent, who confirmed with Bartley that this girl is actually from this hometown. It was also then confirmed that she also stripped at The Studio (high class).

    So, is she truly a Maxim hometown hottie? You decide.
    She gets 2 points from me for her favorite actor/actress and for her favorite bar, but that's about it. And i am sure we all know the one guy that has a million pictures of her that were taken at her favorite bar!

  • Maxim hometown hottie (aka Walter's girl)

    Monday, April 18, 2005

    Pope Smoke Cam

    Once you have filled out your Pope Brackets, click on the following link to know when to check your winner.

    SmokeCam rules:
    Black Smoke = No new pope. Vote again. One more night in the Vatican Hotel (think they have porn channels on those TV's?)
    White Smoke = New Pope! Bells will toll! Old italian women will weep. Gays will still not be accepted by the church. Little boys will flee into hiding.

    Pope Smoke Cam 2005
    ^^CLICK HERE ^^

    Thursday, April 14, 2005

    Pope Brackets

    It's no NCAA Tourney...It's no Mueller Invitational...
    The competition is fierce, players have been training for 61 years or more!
    These brackets will make you feel spiritually uplifted, but if you bet on this you are totally going to hell.

  • Pope Brackets 2005
  • <--click here

    Wednesday, April 13, 2005

    For the Watson in all of us

    For the Watson in all of us <--- click here
    *Groupies not included, but can be arranged.
    News 10 News 10 Now jacket an additional $19.95
    See the COmmunity Calendar Coordinator for further details.

    Wednesday, April 06, 2005

    Friday, April 01, 2005

    Concert "Connection"

    Riddle me this...Why is it that at every concert I go to there is always that one couple that needs to get a room? Is this just something that happens to me?

    New York, NY(March 29, 2005)
    Hammerstein Ballroom
    The Black Crowes

    The Black Crowes played 10 shows in NYC over the past 2 weeks that was sort of a test to see if they could really get back together, and apparently they can because they announced they will be touring with Tom Petty on his summer tour.
    ANYWAY...It's the Black Crowes. The crowd is a bit older, hardcore fans, pot smoke everywhere, grunge clothes and old school tour shirts, everyone is jamming out. Three rows in front is a couple, sitting in their seat, dressed WAY too nice for this show. He was one of those guys that wears a wool hat (a la` Justin Timberlake) even though he is indoors and it was 60 degrees out that day. FINALLY, a song comes on that they actually know! It's the song Remedy. They shoot up out of their seats and start dancing, the guy is behind the girl and they are all grinding and making out. The song ends, they sit down. For those who are not familiar with the song Remedy, it's not some slow sexy song about love and romance. Ok, so another song comes on- and they go at it again! All in all, this couple knew all of three songs, which they proceeded to make out to and not even watch the band. I mean, The Crowes could break up! This could be it! And you were sucking face the whole time.

    This has happened to me at so many concerts, except the Madonna concert when some housewife who was out for the night, for the first time in a long time, with her other housewife friends, drank 2 cosmos and puked everywhere. I would rather the make out couple than the puking housewife re-living her youth and wearing gummy braclets up to her elbow (you girls know what i am talking about).

    At least at the Indigo Girls concerts i have been to, the lesbians just hold hands and what not...they know not to make out or guys would start showing up at the shows!