Thursday, March 30, 2006

GW Bush animation

I don't have anything witty to say about this, because it is so random.
I think it might be an artistic way to express what goes on in his head? Or a way to show how easily he can be manipulated? OR!!! perhaps someone from France made this?
It's just funny- so click on the link below!

GW Bush animation

vile workplace!

vile workplace!
Originally uploaded by Scully99x.
This was in front of my building at work yesterday morning. I think stewie has a vendetta in for bill o'reilly.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Best Worst TV show

You don't have to think you are smart and answer questions for money like on Who Wants To Be A millionaire, but the new NBC game show, Deal Or No Deal, will test how far you would go in order to possibly win ONE MILLION DOLLARS- and by test, I mean test your greed.

THE RULES of the game are pretty easy to pick up. Host Howie Mandel (who doesn't shake the contestants hands, as he is a HUGE germaphobe)does a good job of dragging the game out and help sway the contestants to make a DEAL OR NO DEAL.

Basically the reason it is the best worst TV show on is because you can't turn it off!! You are amazed at these people's stupidity!! One second you want to see them win, the next second you hate their decisions and want to see them lose. This is the only show that you will see people give up $74,000 with a less than 20% chance to win, at the most, $400,000. When in your lifetime will you ever have someone hand you $74,000??? Probably never. Sure, the odds you will ever have those odds to win $400,000 aren't that high either, but remember, the house always wins

To see how greedy you are, CLICK HERE to play the online version of DEAL OR NO DEAL!

Would you like wine with your porn?

Get double the fun from Savanna Samson! Porn and wine!
Apparently this girl can do things to a wine bottle that doesn't just involve things you really shouldn't be looking at on your work computer. The wine that fills Savanna's wine bottles is extremely good, according to experts.

Click on the link below for more on the business venture I am sure her parents are much more proud of.

Feeling Frisky? I mean THIRSTY!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

TrashyPantz to attend Beastie Boys movie Premiere

One fall evening in October 2004 at Madison Square Garden in NYC, yours truly, along with the winner of most TrashyPantz pics (Mr. Ian Kelly International) and the coolest brother of blood relation, Mr. O Segall, attended a Beastie Boys concert together. 50 cameras were given to lucky fans to document their concert experience. Their footage of the show (from the stage to the bathrooms)has been pieced together into a film to hit theaters at the end of March.

Your fearless threesome will be attending a pre-screening of the movie in NYC on March 23rd to relive that amazing concert. Although the ground beneath us won't be shaking like it was during the encore when Sabotage was played, we are glad to be able to experience it all again.

Click on the link below to see where you can attend a pre-screening!!

  • B-Boys Theater Listings
  • Monday, March 06, 2006

    RHCP News!!!

    The cover art for the May release of the new RHCP album has been released.

    Click below to check out the new album trailer featuring a snippet of "Dani California," the new single from Stadium Arcadium! You can bask in the cover art for now, but you'll have to wait until May 9th to hear what lies behind it.

    The Red Hot Chili Peppers are on tap to headline Lollapalooza in Grant Park this summer, which returns to the Chicago lakefront for the second year in a row August 4-6.

  • click HERE for the album trailer