Monday, December 31, 2007

I am smarter than a 5 year old, not stronger

Think you have the braun and the heart to fight some five year olds?
Well, don't actually go out and do it! Instead, click in the link below!


Pi said...

Basically I would do anything to win vs. 5 year olds... Thats what I learned from this - then when it was supposed to tell me how many I can take it took me to a dating web-site? hmmm what are you saying?

Unknown said...

Have you seen this one?

RubyRed said...

lol, looks like you and I are in the same boat - this quiz is too funny. I can only take 14 haha, between you and me we can get a whole kindergarten class - if you like that you might like this other quiz I found at - its about how ubergeek you are. turns out I'm 60% uber geek - not surprising though lol.