Thursday, February 22, 2007

More Music Newz!

It's true. The Van Halen tour that was never officially announced is now officially postponed indefinitely, sources told Pollstar. The rumored tour took on an air of reality after a trade magazine announced that original singer David Lee Roth was about to sign on the dotted line, and that was soon followed by a press release via Eddie Van Halen’s spokeswoman-slash-girlfriend. Unfortunately, the worldwide frenzy of a VH reunion was too good to be true, at least for the present day. However, there was a lot of paper getting inked and Pollstar understands that a tour announcement might not have been far off.

On another reunion tour note... It is impossible to get Police tickets. Shows sold out in no time flat. According to a close source, a friend was waiting overnight in line outside of MSG for tickets. 12 people went in, got tickets, and there were no more left. Tickets are going for thousands on ebay. This is all due to the fact that The Police had 2 presales. One through Best Buy, the other through their Fan Club. More dates are being added, but those tickets will still be just as hard to get. My dream to relive the 80's for one night is dwindling.

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