Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Most BS headline ever

"Do you threaten Paul for millions of dollars while swinging this at his head?"

As our good friend, and fellow Blogger, Petey G pointed out, ABC is kicking off its new season and lineup of Dancing With The Stars. La tee da.
With all the press it is getting, below is the headline of a story that Yahoo! posts on their front page.

Heather Mills to be first 'Dancing' contestant with artificial limb

First off, we are in season 4 of the show. This show hasn't been around for 20 years and featured hundreds of participants yet. If she were to host of the long running, multi hosted gameshow Family Fued, then yes, she is the first host of that show to have an artificial limb.
Below are a few headlines that Yahoo! could have posted instead. Feel free to comment with your own.

Heather Mills to be first 'Dancing' contestant that is the most money hungry.
Heather Mills to be first 'Dancing' contestant to be hated by the most Beatles fans ever.
Heather Mills to be first 'Dancing' contestant that will have the most akward audience reaction if she falls.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe trashypantz hasn't posted anything about the most brilliant meltdown ever...

Even in these days of Lohan and Anna Nicole, Britney is showing all of hollywood how it's done!