Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Drunk Voice Mail

this is an audio post - click to play

Let it be known...if you call me and leave me a drunk voice mail from Pint Night at the Shed, Mug Night from The Shed or $1 cans of Labatt's from The Brick on Thursdays, you are fair game to have your voice mail posted.

I am happy to give this first drunk voice mail post to Watson. As i dreamt away in my bed, this sports anchor extrodinaire, who doesn't go to work until 3pm, left me a classic voice mail. I thought you would all enjoy hearing it, especially those who were at Dorsey's 2 weeks ago. If you weren't there, it's still a great voice mail. Chock full of singing and personalized lyrics...this one is a gem!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am such a lucky gal!