Thursday, February 17, 2005


Video: SuperPool III
Release Date: Wednesday, Feb 16, 2005
Director, Producer, Graphics, Soundtrack: Keith Roach

Director Keith Roach obviously has too much time on his hands, and we love him for it. He also must not have alot of work to do, so we love his boss for it. Love all around. And boy, do i LOVE this video. One of Roach's finest pieces of picture montage videos he has ever done. Not only does it have a great soundtrack, but the addition of the sound effects really shows us his talents. The sudden insert of "Living on a Prayer" made me laugh so hard, it almost made me pee my pants, and at Dorsey's I almost did because the place was too packed to get the restrooms! The play by play text really makes me feel like I am back at the SuperPool party. The clever way he makes fun of friends... this is, ultimately, what I live for.

On a scale of 1 (the worst) to 5 (being the best)

Roach's SuperPool III video gets 5 out of 5 Labatt Blue Cans!!!

You can watch the SuperPool video by going to the ClipWorthy Sidebar and clicking on the SuperPool III Video link


Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you very much.

So many people to thank and yet so little time.

I would like the thank trashy pantz for this rave review. And thank my millions and millions of fans out there. I love you all!

Anonymous said...

Someone who saw the Super Pool pic asked if the weekend was sponsored by Budlight!

- Michelle